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Fernando Ardenghi

"Body odor is a big part of romantic attraction"
- It seems that what is important in attracting people to one another may not be important in making couples happy!!!
- temporal patterns of relationship variables may indeed play a significant role between mates / prospective mates; last stage: possible only high level on personality *similarity* between mates.
&*similarity* calculated using quantum math equations. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Braket

From http://www.scientificmatch.com/values.htm
"Personality/Values Matching
When you list these various principals in order of importance to you, it represents your Personal Values Profile.
One thing you'll love about our values matching process is how fast and easy it is. The simplicity of the theory extends to the ease of the test. In fact, there is no test! Rather than answering hundreds of exam questions, you simply arrange your values in the right order for you.

Ha ha ha ha ha, There is no test! "Rather than answering hundreds of exam questions, you simply arrange your values in the right order for you."
That is only a sophisticated way to search in a database.

Kindest Regards,

Fernando Ardenghi.
Buenos Aires.
[email protected]

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