AnotherFriend, Kevin Greene, CEO - Interview - Online Personals Watch: News on the Online Dating Industry and Business

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Brian Kelly

Maybe before looks to expanding their market, they ought to make sure that what they already have works. The Chat Room is probably the number one feature for getting to know someone that you've met online. However, for the past six months, AnotherFriend's Chat Room has been inaccessible and the number of members complaining are legion. One problem after another. Attempts to contact them about the problem are generally met with a bureaucratic response that does nothing to solve the problem. I, for one, plan to terminate my membership once the current membership expires.

Before you give good press to a Dating Service, you ought to survey their membership before taking the CEO's word as to its excellence.


I have a great idea to make the site more fun and give another dimension to it. are you interested?



Mr Greene does not address the issue of his sites refusal to unsubscribe members. once they have your credit card details they have you and will charge you indefinitely.

Dating In Ireland

A tough market to get into and remain strong. Lots of competition out there! Another friend is a good site for those looking to go dating in ireland!

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