Millionaire Web Site Sex Scandal - Online Personals Watch: News on the Online Dating Industry and Business

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What it is this woman talking about? is not liable. Just as Starbucks would not be liable had he hit on her and picked her up there instead of on an online dating site.


The tips are great. You're missing a very important one though, Stay Sober!

Frankie Doiron

Pay attention to your inner warning system. Too often women are afraid to say 'no' or simply leave a situation in which they don't feel comfortable. If it doesn't feel right - get out!

Andrew Johnson

Liabilty is decided in the courtroom. Anyone can sue for anything they want to sure for.

I find Nancy Grace to be the most annoying cable show anchor, she seems overtly dramatic about everything.

John C. Bland II

Mark, good job on the show. I'm watching it now (which is how I found your site) and think you made some good points.

Good job handling the grilling! :-)


I thought you sound more like a rep for then like a rep for the industry.

Mark Brooks

My position on background checks.

1. I think background checks are a good idea and a nice differentiator.

2. Background checks are way less than perfect and can lead to a false sense of security, but are better than nothing.

3. I think background check legislation is not necessary. However, it would be nice to see a few more dating sites offer users the option of background checks.

I advised TRUE in the past. I have not worked for them for several months.

Mark Brooks
Editor, Online Personals Watch

Henrik Renaldo Randerius

This is great business to be in future!
It is growing wery fast and the technology
solutions is improved within a few years so
everyone with everage knowledgement of internet computing can handel those easy FLASH-sites.

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