Meetic Founder-Chairman, Marc Simoncini - OPW Interview - Online Personals Watch: News on the Online Dating Industry and Business

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Fernando Ardenghi

Ulteem (owned by Meetic) hired (Dr. David Bernard) to develop Love-inSight Test.

From could be read (in French, I translated the most interesting parts, the better I could)

"....The test combines the elements of basic values that constitute our internal compass: there always is a strong coherence between these values and the important decisions that one takes in life. The method is the one proposed by Schwartz: on thousands of persons studied in different countries there always is ten basic values that constitute the individual, ten universal elements. Thus, one knows today that the individuals, whatever their country, have a system of organized values around these 10 basic pillars.
Concerning the personality, we adopted the method Big Five, the most often employed by the psychologists to summarize a personality.
After defining the 71 adjustment criteria in love, we elaborated the test, then we put it to the test reality. The test has in fact to be stable in the time and substantiate a durable portrait of the person. To avoid all later adjustment, it has us therefore been necessary to test in big number with living couples together since at least a year.
We tried to reflect the person in all his complexity and to avoid the trap reducer of that resembles itself assembles itself. Our method takes therefore some counts the similarities and the possible complementarities between two individuals. ...... We also were careful not to emit judgements."

They claim the tests meet the standards of analysis defined by the American Psychological Association and the Educational Testing Service.

"new" French version

Italian version

German version

Spanish version
I took the Ulteem 98 questions Spanish version compatibility test.
Quite long and very complete written report: values, vision and personality!!! but the compatibility/affinity between prospective mates is only a 2 integer figure like 75%.
(My matchlist: 56 women with affinity the highest=77% the lowest=65%, no one seemed to be really as compatible as a paying member will require, what I mean: I could easily reach that list of "prospective compatible women" searching by my own, using free!!!)
WEAK POINT: Ulteem uses the Big Five!!!

99,00 Euros per 3 months
149,00 Euros per 6 months (appears the French version instead of the Dutch?)

Will come soon?
"Meetic, a Simplified Joint-Stock Company (SAS), with a share capital of 1 648 542,80 euros,...."
Mr. Brooks, why did not you ask about Meetic and Ulteem's revenue, subscribers, profit?
Mr. Brooks, please ask Mr. Simoncini if Ulteem makes the terrible mistake of translating its proprietary test from French to different languages????

Kindest Regards,

Fernando Ardenghi
[email protected]

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